FOUNDED IN FREETOWN – 10TH JUNE 1979 . The Sierra Leone Swimming, Diving and Water Polo Association (SLSDWA) is the national governing body for all Aquatic sports in Sierra Leone. This includes but is not limited to Open Water Swimming, Surfing, Water Polo and Diving. The Association has sole rights for the organization, development, growth and promotion of these sports at all levels locally and internationally.


a. To uphold and maintain the ideals and principles of FINA and CANA, and to ensure the drug free promotion of all aquatic sports in Sierra Leone.

b. To uphold the principles of institutional control of, and responsibility for, all Aquatic Sports in conformity with the policies of the National Sports Council and the Constitution of Sierra Leone.

c. To formulate and publicize guiding principles and standards for the administration and technical development of all aquatic sports including Open Water Swimming.

d. To legislate upon any subject of general concern to the membership in the administration of local and national aquatic and or related sports.

e. To co-operate and collaborate with other organizations/institutions in the development, organization, promotion and conduct of local, national and international aquatic and related sports competitions/championships.

f. To stimulate, evaluate and disseminate research in the fields of Swimming, Diving, Synchronized Swimming and other related aquatic sports.

g. To improve the educational aspects of Aquatic Sports and their articulation in the total inter-scholastic/collegiate educational program.

h. To promote greater unit, goodwill and friendship among all members.

i. To promote Gender involvement by encouraging and promoting the participation of Girls and Women in aquatic sports in Sierra Leone.

j. To foster high standards of professional proficiency and ethics.

k. To establish and supervise regional and national aquatic competitions or championships and to establish rules of eligibility in accordance with FINA and CANA, with modifications as necessary to suit our climate and local settings.

l. To ensure participation at global, regional and continental competitions or championships.

m. To publish and interpret rules governing all aquatic Sports.

n. To provide the means for training, evaluation and rating of officials.

o. To organize, develop, control and promote all aquatic sports on a national scale and shall represent Sierra Leone in both FINA and CANA meetings and championships
